APA Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
I/O Psychology is both a science/practice and an applied/basic research discipline. Appropriately, the APA Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology offers an in-depth examination of the types of behavioral and structural issues that I/O psychologists study every day, from both a theoretical and applied perspective.
It explores a natural progression, from how problems are diagnosed to how research is conducted to generate answers to those problems to how interventions are implemented and, finally, to how they are evaluated. It examines what is currently known—including basic historical reviews—and identifies the most pertinent sources of information in both the core and emerging literatures. It pinpoints practical issues, probes unresolved and controversial topics, and looks at future theoretical, research, and practice trends.
One of the givens in the field is that, when an organization or employer attempts to affect one aspect of behavior—for example, job satisfaction—the organization or employer is likely to affect several other areas, such as compensation, supervision, performance review, and the like. Accordingly, through extensive cross-referencing to other chapters, individual chapters attempt to acknowledge the links with other topics in order to present an integrated approach to the field, both within and across volumes. The reader will thus achieve a clearer understanding of the complexities of each topic, and, more globally, a clearer understanding of the complexities of organizations and of the people within them.
The volume titles indicate a particular sequence that informs content: issues concerned with designing, building, and developing the structure of the organization (Volume 1) flow naturally into issues related to selecting the organization's members (Volume 2). Once the organization is established and has members with roles, issues that pertain to maintaining and ensuring the viability of the organization are taken up—including those concerned with growing, expanding, and, even, contracting the organization.
The goal of the entire set is to provide the reader with a well-rounded understanding of the complexities and intricacies of trying to study and affect behavior within and between organizations.
Table of contents
About the Editor-in-Chief
Volume 1: Building and Developing the Organization
I. Foundational Issues in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
- A Historical Survey of Research and Practice in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Andrew J. Vinchur and Laura L. Koppes
- Research Strategies in Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Nonexperimental, Quasi-Experimental, and Randomized Experimental Research in Special Purpose and Nonspecial Purpose Settings
Eugene F. Stone-Romero
- Qualitative Research Strategies in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Thomas W. Lee, Terrence R. Mitchell, and Wendy S. Harman
- Advances in Analytical Strategies
David Chan
II. Perspectives on Designing Organizations and Human Resource Systems
- Organizations: Theory, Design, Future
George P. Huber
- Strategic Decision Making
Philip Bromiley and Devaki Rau
- Leadership
Julian Barling, Amy Christie, and Colette Hoption
- Entrepreneurship: The Genesis of Organizations
Robert A. Baron and Rebecca A. Henry
- Deepening Our Understanding of Creativity in the Workplace: A Review of Different Approaches to Creativity Research
Jing Zhou and Christina E. Shalley
- Performance Measurement at Work: A Multilevel Perspective
Jessica L. Wildman, Wendy L. Bedwell, Eduardo Salas, and Kimberly A. Smith-Jentsch
- Strategic Reward and Compensation Plans
Joseph J. Martocchio
- Perspectives on Organizational Climate and Culture
Benjamin Schneider, Mark G. Ehrhart, and William H. Macey
III. Designing Work and Structuring Experiences
- Work Matters: Job Design in Classic and Contemporary Perspectives
Adam M. Grant, Yitzhak Fried, and Tina Juillerat
- Workplace Safety and Accidents: An Industrial and Organizational Psychology Perspective
Seth Kaplan and Lois E. Tetrick
- Disability and Employment: New Directions for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Adrienne J. Colella and Susanne M. Bruyère
- Role Theory in Organizations: A Relational Perspective
David M. Sluss, Rolf van Dick, and Bryant S. Thompson
- Flexible Work Schedules
Ellen Ernst Kossek and Jesse S. Michel
- Nonstandard Workers: Work Arrangements and Outcomes
Elizabeth George and Carmen Kaman Ng
- Team Development and Functioning
Janis A. Cannon-Bowers and Clint Bowers
- Work Team Diversity
Susan E. Jackson and Aparna Joshi
Volume 2: Selecting and Developing Members for the Organization
I. Foundations of Selection and Development
- Work Analysis: From Technique to Theory
Frederick P. Morgeson and Erich C. Dierdorff
- Recruitment: A Review of Research and Emerging Directions
Brian R. Dineen and Scott M. Soltis
- Career Issues
Yehuda Baruch and Nikos Bozionelos
II. Specific Selection Strategies and Issues
- Individual Differences: Their Measurement and Validity
Oleksandr S. Chernyshenko, Stephen Stark, and Fritz Drasgow
- Personality and Its Assessment in Organizations: Theoretical and Empirical Developments
Frederick L. Oswald and Leaetta M. Hough
- Interviews
Allen I. Huffcutt and Satoris S. Culbertson
- Assessment Centers
Winfred Arthur Jr. and Eric Anthony Day
- Situational Judgment Tests: A Critical Review and Agenda for the Future
Robert E. Ployhart and William I. MacKenzie Jr.
III. Evaluating Individuals and Performance
- The Appraisal and Management of Performance at Work
Angelo S. DeNisi and Shirley Sonesh
- Expanding the Criterion Domain to Include Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Implications for Employee Selection
Dennis W. Organ, Philip M. Podsakoff, and Nathan P. Podsakoff
- Organizational Exit
Peter W. Hom
IV. Evaluating Systems
- Applicant Reactions to Organizations and Selection Systems
Donald M. Truxillo and Talya N. Bauer
- Validation Support for Selection Procedures
Neal Schmitt and Ruchi Sinha
- Utility of Selection Systems: Supply-Chain Analysis Applied to Staffing Decisions
Wayne F. Cascio and John W. Boudreau
- The Unique Origins of Advancements in Selection and Personnel Psychology
James L. Outtz
V. Developing Members
- Training and Employee Development for Improved Performance
Kenneth G. Brown and Traci Sitzmann
- Mentoring
Lillian T. Eby
- Executive Coaching: A Critical Review and Recommendations for Advancing the Practice
David B. Peterson
- Proactive Work Behavior: Forward-Thinking and Change-Oriented Action in Organizations
Uta K. Bindl and Sharon K. Parker
Volume 3: Maintaining, Expanding, and Contracting the Organization
I. Relationships With Work
- Person–Environment Fit
Amy Kristof-Brown and Russell P. Guay
- Organizational Socialization: The Effective Onboarding of New Employees
Talya N. Bauer and Berrin Erdogan
- Motivating Employees
James M. Diefendorff and Megan M. Chandler
- Job Attitudes and Work Values
Deidra J. Schleicher, S. Duane Hansen and Kevin E. Fox
- The Individual-Organization Relationship: The Psychological Contract
Denise M. Rousseau
II. Fostering a Positive Environment and Relationships at Work
- Interpersonal Relationships at Work
Tara C. Reich and M. Sandy Hershcovis
- Communication
Marshall Scott Poole
- Organizational Justice: The Dynamics of Fairness in the Workplace
Jerald Greenberg
- Customer Service
Markus Groth and Robyn E. Goodwin
- Stress and Well-Being at Work
Mark A. Griffin and Sharon Clarke
- Quality of Work Life
Leslie B. Hammer and Kristi L. Zimmerman
III. Managing Problems and Politics
- Organizational Politics
Gerald R. Ferris and Wayne A. Hochwarter
- Conflict at Work: Basic Principles and Applied Issues
Carsten K. W. de Dreu
- The Psychology of Negotiation and Mediation
Michele J. Gelfand, C. Ashley Fulmer, and Laura Severance
- Managerial Derailment
Joyce Hogan, Robert Hogan, and Robert B. Kaiser
- Why the Field Remains Uneven: Impediments to Promotions in Organizations
Derek R. Avery
- Workplace Aggression and Violence
Laurie J. Barclay and Karl Aquino
- Sexual Harassment
Jennifer L. Berdahl and Jana L. Raver
IV. Planning for Change and the Future
- Succession Planning
Peter Cappelli
- Organization Change and Development
Luis L. Martins
- Organizational Downsizing, Mergers and Acquisitions, and Strategic Alliances: Using Theory and Research to Enhance Practice
Kenneth P. De Meuse, Mitchell L. Marks, and Guangrong Dai
V. The Societal Context Interface
- Managing a Globally Distributed Workforce: Social and Interpersonal Issues
Kwok Leung and Mark F. Peterson
- Cross-Cultural and Global Issues in Organizational Psychology
Miriam Erez
- Organizational Responsibility: Doing Good and Doing Well
Herman Aguinis
Contributor bios
Sheldon Zedeck, PhD, is professor of psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of California at Berkeley and vice provost for academic affairs and faculty welfare. He has been at Berkeley since 1969, when he completed his doctoral degree in industrial and organizational psychology at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. He served as chair of the department from 1993 to 1998 (and as interim chair for the 2003–2004 year); prior to this administrative position, Dr. Zedeck was the director of the campus' Institute of Industrial Relations from 1988 to 1992.
Dr. Zedeck is coauthor of four books on various topics: Foundations of Behavioral Science Research in Organizations (1974, with Milton Blood), Measurement Theory for the Behavioral Sciences (1981, with Edwin E. Ghiselli and John Campbell), Performance Measurement and Theory (1983, with Frank Landy and Jan Cleveland), and Data Analysis for Research Designs (1989, with Geoffrey Keppel). In addition, he has edited a volume titled Work, Family, and Organizations (1992), which is part of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Frontiers series.
Dr. Zedeck has served on the editorial boards of Journal of Applied Psychology ® (editor, 2002–2008), Contemporary Psychology ® , and Industrial Relations. He has also served as editor and associate editor of Human Performance, a journal that he and Frank Landy founded in 1988, as well as associate editor of Applied Psychology: An International Review.
Dr. Zedeck has been active in of the APA Division 14 (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology). He has been on the Society's Educational and Training Committee and its Workshop Committee; has been a member-at-large; has served as editor of the Society's newsletter, TIP; has served on two ad hoc committees concerned with revising the Society's "Principles for the Validation and Use of Personnel Selection Procedures"; has represented the Society on the APA Council of Representatives; and in 1986 to 1987 served as the president of the Society.
Dr. Zedeck has also served on the executive committees for the Academy of Management's Personnel/Human Resources Division and for the Society for Organizational Behavior.
Dr. Zedeck has written numerous journal articles on the topics of moderator variables, selection and validation, test fairness, banding, performance appraisal, assessment centers, stress, and work and family issues. His most recent research project was a 9-year project on the identification of factors and criteria of lawyering success and the development and validation of tests that can be used as complements to the Law School Admission Test.