Obituaries, marriage announcements, and birth announcements are just a few of the types of newspaper clippings that can be filed among genealogical records. Newspapers are essential resources for genealogy and family history research. In addition to providing birth, marriage, and death notices, society pages contain stories rich with information on persons of interest, as well as various community activities and events.
Newspapers have been a gold mine for my own genealogy research. Finding the newspaper articles about the accidental gassing of the members of my husband’s Barker family in Detroit, Michigan in 1930 truly brought this family tragedy into a much better perspective. Until I found the newspaper clippings, I had a hard time putting the pieces of the story together.
The Barker Tragedy in Michigan, Detroit Free Press 10 Jan 1930 page 3
Do you have physical newspaper cuttings from throughout the years? Are you archiving and preserving them so they don’t harm other documents? Yes, newspaper clippings and newsprint can harm, even damage, other documents. The paper used for newspapers is very acidic, and the chemicals in newspaper print can leave an orange or dark stain upon contact with another document. You don’t want this to happen to your original documents, such as death certificates, birth certificates, and marriage records. The damage done by newspaper print is irreversible!
Here are five easy steps that the home archivist can take to archive newspaper clippings in a way that won’t harm other documents:
Emma Skyes newspaper clipping from the archived collections of the Houston County, Tennessee Archives
Obituary of Erma L. (Cole) Fetterman
These five easy steps will ensure the newspaper clippings are preserved and the information contained in them is saved.
Houston County, TN class visits the circus and the elephants
CAUTION: Do not laminate newspaper clippings or any genealogical documents. The laminating sheets contain chemicals that can leech into the documents and destroy them over time. Lamination is very difficult to reverse. Don’t do anything to documents that can’t be undone.
Ruth’s Beauty Shop ad from the archived collections of the Houston County, Tennessee Archives
Be sure to store all genealogical records, newspapers, and newspaper clippings in a cool, dry, and dark place. Newspapers deteriorate very rapidly when stored in a warm and humid environment.
Newspapers and newspaper clippings can be a gold mine for genealogists. Be sure to preserve the ones you have!
Waggoner Medicine ad from the archived collections of the Houston County, Tennessee Archives
This is a guest post by archivist and professional genealogist Melissa Barker, owner of Once Upon A Time Genealogy. She has over 26 years of genealogy research experience and six years’ experience in the archives/records management field.